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    Order by descendingascending

    2nd Order by descendingascending

    Maximum number of rows

    Show only data within projectyesno

    Show expanded attributesyesno

    When expanding attributes show empty joinsyesno

    Expand desc list attributesyesno

    Show checkboxesyesno

    Show nr Commentsyesno

    Export result as

The attribute to order the results on, descending or ascending
The second attribute to order the results, descending or ascending
This specifies the number of rows visible on the output page, where numrow means unlimited. Note, in the browser the upper limit to be shown is 1000, for the other export options an ulimited amount of rows can be written to the output.
YES (default): only data belonging to the set project is visible.
NO (Default); YES: all attributes in expanded leafs will be shown in the DBViewer result page, this can be very slow or could even crash when a user requests very deep and/or large trees.
When expanding attributes is selected not all atribute instances will expand (or joined), should these be showed.
Expand the result for desc_list_property. Each entry in a desc_list_property is shown on separate row.
NO (default): YES: checkboxes can be used to select rows; Manual SQL is not possible anymore when selecting this option.
Show a link to the Comments per object in the result table.
  • Comma separated values: Table-output as comma-separated-values.
  • pickle-d lists: exports table as list of lists in python-format to be read by Unpickler routine.
  • HTML (Default): output is shown in browser.
  • Links to download all files: A text file is returned containing links to all FITS files present in the displayed table.
  • SQL statement: SQL query as text-file.

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