AIRMASS_KEY | str | FITS header keyword containing the airmass [None] | |
ASTRCLIP_NSIGMA | float | Clipping boundry for the second astrometric pass in standard deviations [None] | |
ASTREF_BAND | str | Column name of photometric band used for astrometric reference magnitudes or one of: DEFAULT, BLUEST, REDDEST [None] | |
ASTREF_CATALOG | str | Name of reference catalog for astrometry, one of: NONE, FILE, USNO-A1, USNO-A2, USNO-B1, GSC-1.3, GSC-2.2, UCAC-1, UCAC-2, NOMAD-1, 2MASS, DENIS-3, SDSS-R3, SDSS-R5, SDSS-R6 [None] | |
ASTREF_WEIGHT | float | Relative weight of the astrometric reference catalog [None] | |
ASTREFCAT_NAME | ListOfFloat | Filenames of local astrometric reference catalogs, used when ASTREF_CATALOG is set to FILE [None] | |
ASTREFCENT_KEYS | str | Column names containing the coordinates in degrees of the centroids of each source for the reference catalog(s), used when ASTREF_CATALOG is set to FILE [None] | |
ASTREFERR_KEYS | str | Column names containing the major axis, minor axis, and position angle in pixels, respectively, of the error ellipses for the reference catalog(s), used when ASTREF_CATALOG is set to FILE [None] | |
ASTREFMAG_KEY | str | Column name containing the astrometric reference magnitudes, used when ASTREF_CATALOG is set to FILE [None] | |
ASTRINSTRU_KEY | ListOfString | FITS header keyword(s) defining the astrometric context/instrument [None] | |
CENTROID_KEYS | str | Column names containing the coordinates in degrees of the centroids of each source for the input ctalog(s) [None] | |
CENTROIDERR_KEYS | str | Column names containing the major axis, minor axis, and position angle in pixels, respectively, of the error ellipses for the input catalog(s) [None] | |
CORRECT_COLOURSHIFTS | str | Correct for colour shifts [None] | |
CROSSID_RADIUS | float | Search radius used for all cross-identifications [arcsec] | |
DISTORT_DEGREES | int | Polynomial degree of each group [None] | |
DISTORT_GROUPS | int | Polynomial group that each DISTORT_KEY belongs to [None] | |
DISTORT_KEYS | str | Column names or FITS keywords (indicated by a colon prefix) containing measurements used to map astrometric distortions for the input catalog(s) [None] | |
EXPOTIME_KEY | str | FITS header keyword containing the exposure time [None] | |
ExtObjectId | ExtObjectId | Unique EXT object identifier [None] | |
FGROUP_RADIUS | float | Maximum angular distance allowed between field centers to include them in the same group of fields [deg] | |
FIXFOCALPLANE_NMIN | int | Minimum number of detections per focal plane array required to be part of MOSAIC_TYPE FIX_FOCALPLANE statistics [None] | |
FLAGS_MASK | str | Binary mask applied to FLAGS column to reject flagged detections [None] | |
FWHM_THRESHOLDS | float | Range of Full-Width at Half-Maximum allowed for input detections [pixel] | |
HEADER_SUFFIX | str | Filename extension of output header files [None] | |
HEADER_TYPE | str | Type of WCS information in output header files, one of: NORMAL, FOCAL_PLANE [None] | |
IMAFLAGS_MASK | str | Binary mask applied to IMAFLAGS column to reject flagged detections [None] | |
MAGZERO_INTERR | float | Internal zero-point accuracy [mag] | |
MAGZERO_KEY | str | FITS header keyword containing the zero-point [None] | |
MAGZERO_OUT | float | Arbitrary magnitude zero-point for output flux scale [mag] | |
MAGZERO_REFERR | float | Photometric field zero-point accuracy [mag] | |
MATCH | str | Do pattern-matching of input detections with sources from the astrometric reference catalog (i.e., preastrom) [None] | |
MATCH_FLIPPED | str | Consider a possible flipping of input frames during MATCHing [None] | |
MATCH_NMAX | int | Maximum number of detections used to compute the position angle and pixel scale while MATCHing (0=auto) [None] | |
MATCH_RESOL | float | MATCHing resolution (0.0=auto) [arcsec] | |
MERGEDOUTCAT_NAME | str | Filename of merged output catalog (i.e., astrometrically corrected input catalog) [None] | |
MERGEDOUTCAT_TYPE | str | Type of the merged output catalog, one of: NONE, ASCII_HEAD, ASCII, FITS, FITS_LDAC [None] | |
MOSAIC_TYPE | str | Type of pre-processing for mosaics of focal plane arays, one of: UNCHANGED, SAME_CRVAL, SHARE_PROJAXIS, FIX_FOCALPLANE, LOOSE [None] | |
PHOTCLIP_NSIGMA | float | Clipping boundary for the second photometric pass in standard deviations [None] | |
PHOTFLUX_KEY | str | Column name containing the flux measurement for the input catalog(s) [None] | |
PHOTFLUXERR_KEY | str | Column name containing the flux error estimate for the input catalog(s) [None] | |
PHOTINSTRU_KEY | ListOfString | FITS header keyword(s) defining the photometric context/instrument [None] | |
PIXSCALE_MAXERR | float | Search range of the pixel scale factor used in astrometric MATCHing (e.g., 1.2 is equivalent to +/- 20% of the original pixel scale) [None] | |
POSANGLE_MAXERR | float | Search range for the position angle in astrometric MATCHing [deg] | |
POSITION_MAXERR | float | Search range for the position in astrometric MATCHing [arcmin] | |
REFOUT_CATPATH | str | Directory name where downloaded reference catalogs will be saved [None] | |
SAVE_REFCATALOG | str | Save a copy of the downloaded astrometric reference catalogs in FITS_LDAC format to REFOUT_CATPATH [None] | |
SN_THRESHOLDS | float | The pair of signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) thresholds (in standard deviations) indicating the minumum threshold for the sample of all sources and of high-S/N sources, respectively [None] | |
SOLVE_ASTROM | str | Compute astrometric solution in 2 passes, or just compute statistics [None] | |
SOLVE_PHOTOM | str | Compute photometric solution in 2 passes, or just compute statistics [None] | |
STABILITY_TYPE | str | Type of stability of the astrometric instrument, one of: EXPOSURE, INSTRUMENT [None] | |
VERBOSE_TYPE | str | Degree of verbosity output, one of: QUIET, NORMAL, LOG or FULL [None] | |
WEIGHTFLAGS_MASK | str | Binary mask applied to FLAGS_WEIGHT column to reject flagged detections [None] | |