AxisLengths | ListOfInteger4 | List of lengths of each data axis. Analogous to a list of FITS NAXIS1, NAXIS2, ... , NAXISn keywords. | |
AxisNumber | int | The dimensionality of the data (e.g., number of physical image axes/dimmensions). Analogous to the FITS NAXIS keyword. | |
BackgroundStorage | VisBackgroundStorageFitsFile | Back ground storage | |
CalibUnit | VisCalibUnit | CalibUnit | |
ChargedInduced | ChargeInjection | ChargedInduced | |
CommandedAttitude | ReferenceSurveyAttitude | Copy of DpdVisRawFrame.Data.CommanedAttitude | |
CommandedFPAPointing | FpaPointing | Commanded FPA pointing (RA, DEC, Pointing Angle) | |
CompressionAlgorithm | str | Type of compression algorithm used for frame data | |
DataLength | int | Total number of individual value elements (pixels, voxels, etc.) in the data set referred to in this instance. Equivalent to AxisLength_0 * AxisLength_1 * ... * AxisLength_AxisNumber. | |
DataSize | int | Size of an individual data element, in bits, following the FITS convention (i.e., negative for floating point values) such that the total size of the data array is |DataSize| x DataLength bits. | |
DataStorage | VisCalibratedStorageFitsFile | MEF data fits file container. | |
DateRange | CalibrationValidPeriod | Original Calibration files date range | |
DetectorList | VisCalFrameDetectorList | List of singleDetectors. The common metadata (i.e. detector sizes) arecommonly stored in higher level | |
ExposureTime | ExposureTime | Exposure time of the detector elements (i.e., physical pixels) or detector integration time in seconds. This can be a sum or average value of multiple exposures/integrations in some cases, and can be zero for certain calibrations. Analog to FITS EXPTIME keyword. | |
Filter | BaseFilter | Instrument filter name | |
FrameChecksum | int | Checksum computed on frame data in order to detect possible data corruption | |
ImgArea | ImgArea | Information about the coverage of the image relative to the full focal plane. This can refer to an individual detector, a sub-region of a detector, or even multiple detectors (e.g., a quadrant or entire focal plane). In other words, it would be any logical data segment that normally would be stored in a data array. | |
ImgNumber | int | Number of image areas (ImgArea) representing a single observation or exposure. | |
ImgSpatialFootprint | SpatialFootprint | This spatial area defines the spatial footprint in a serie of vertex.Vertex should be expressed in RA/DEC. This spatial footprint could be processed by LE1 withpointing parameters and updated by VIS/NIR/EXT processing functions that compute theastrometric solution. | |
ImgStatistics | ImgStats | Information about the statistics of the image pixels [None] | |
ImgType | DataProduct | Complex description of the image type based on ESO definitions. | |
InputRawFrameReference | DataProductReference | Corresponding input VIS Raw Frame data product reference | |
Instrument | BaseInstrument | Instrument information | |
InstrumentMode | str | Instrument mode during the exposure acquisition | |
Masks | str | Euclid bit masks present in the flag image dataset. Please use thispattern naming : XXXImgBitMaskDef where XXX is your Processing function acronym. | |
ObservationDateTime | SpaceObservationDateTime | Date and time of the observation | |
ObservationSequence | ObservationSequence | Information identifying an observation sequence | |
PredictedOrbit | SpacecraftOrbit | Predicted satellite orbit (Position, Velocity, Solar aspect angle) at the observation time | |
PsfModelStorage | VisPsfModelStorageFitsFile | PSF Model storage | |
QualityParameterStorage | VisQualityParameterStorageFitsFile | Quality Parameter storage | |
QualityParams | VisCalFrameDqcParams | Quality parameters for the image | |
QualityValidation | str | This status is set by quality check of the data and more specifically quality parameters. When the quality of the product is considered as good enough to be processed or is considered as poor enough so that it should be systematically removed from any processing. The default value of the status should be UNKNOWN TBD. | |
Readout | VisReadoutMode | Readout | |
ReconsAttitude | ReferenceSurveyAttitude | Reconstructed satellite attitude copied from HKTM | |
ReconsFPAPointing | FpaPointing | Reconstructed FPA pointing (RA, DEC, Pointing Angle) | |
ReconsOrbit | SpacecraftOrbit | Reconstructed satellite orbit (Position, Velocity, Solar aspect angle) at the observation time | |
ShutterUnit | ShutterUnit | ShutterUnit | |
SimInputConfId | str | This Id is inherited from the sim request that was used to process this simulated image. This Id is present ONLY if the productCategory is set to SIMULATION. This Id could transport a full description of the SIM processing parameters or a shortcut for this configuration : CAMPAIGNTTGRISM, ROTATE90GAL,... | |
WeightStorage | VisWeightStorageFitsFile | Weight Storage | |
WLQ2Exposures | VisWLQ2Exposures | WLQ2Exposures | |
XTalkStorage | VisXTalkStorageFitsFile | XTalk storage | |